Friday, October 28, 2011

PTO Meeting Minutes 10/26/11

1.  Call to Order:  6:43

2.  Introductions

3.  Mr. Heinzelmann:  Boundary Meetings are 11/1 at 9:00AM and 6:00PM

4.  Current Issues

                  a. Shirt Trainee (Hollie):  Jennifer Baca and 
                      Dawn Marie are interested in
                      training this year to take over next year

                  b. Carnival Update (4/14):  still working on
                      getting sponsors

5.  Upcoming Events

                  a. Donuts For Dads (10/28):  7:00-7:30 
                      volunteers needed

                  B.  BMX Show (11/2) 7:45 volunteers needed at 7:00

                  c. Staff Appreciation brunch (12/9) 
                  d. Next Meeting: 1/11 6:30PM possible panel with Specials' Teachers

6.  Volunteers Needed:  Sign ups passed around

7.  Parent Advisory Committee (Jon):  Committee gives the superintendent feedback from parents.  Any questions or concerns, e-mail

8.  Treasurer's Report/Budget
                  a. Gross sales from fundraiser just under

                  b. In the black $1,800 from apparel sales

9.  Homework Help Forum:  Homework panel with Mrs. Strayer, Mrs. Tingle, Mrs. Spooner, Ms. Dalon, Ms. Osborn

Monday, August 22, 2011

8/17/2011 Meeting Minutes

1          1.  Call to Order  6:37  (33 people in attendance)

 2.                2.  What is PTO?
                 a.   Fundraising:  goal for 2011/2012 is to buy supplies for
                 b.    Activities for kids and families
                 c.     Support for teachers and school

3.  Introductions

4.  Current Issues
     a.  Days / Times for Meetings:  Next meeting Wed. 10:26 
         @ 6:30PM
     b.  Document Cameras (Kerri):   Ladybug Cameras $445 each, 
          purchasing 14
     c.  Shirts (Hollie):  Making small order (give Hollie your info if 
         you would like to one)
     d.  CPA Audit Volunteer:  Need PTO finances audited @ the 
          end of the year

5.  Upcoming Events
      a.  Carnival:  Need for Committee:  Planning for April
      b.  Open House:  In September (date TBA)
      c.  Work Days:  Wednesdays 8:00 – 12:00
     d.  AR Store (Erin):  Volunteers needed to run the store once 
          per month

6.  Volunteers Needed
     a.  Picture day 8/19
     b.  Book Fair

7.  Treasurer's Report/Budget
     a.  Money earned through:  fall fundraiser, Read-A-Thon, class 
          shirt sales, pizza sales, Box Tops
     b.  Wil have about $7800 to put to our goal this year
8.  Tina's Talk / Q&A

Monday, August 1, 2011

First General PTO Meeting of the 2011/2012 school year is Wednesday, August 17th at 6:30pm in the Library.  Childcare will be provided.  
Our awesome principal, Ms. Anderson, will be speaking and taking questions.  
See you there!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 3rd, 2011 Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. “Tina’s Talk”

4. Current Issues
a. Technology
1. Raytheon Computers – 5 were donated!
2. Permetheon Boards – We bought 26
b. Box Top Update / Campbell’s Soup Labels (Robyn) – 5/4 is a work day for cutting/sorting them
c. Shirts (Hollie)- We spent $960 to get us through next year. We have made $800 back so far.
d. Volunteer of the month – Sarah Bell

5. Upcoming Events
a. Staff Appreciation Brunch 5/6
b. Field Day (last week of school) – stay tuned
c. Spring Book Fair 5/12 and 5/13 all day during school
d. Officer Elections for next year

6. Next Year
a. AR Store (Erin) – Students will get AR Bucks for passing AR tests and will be able to purchase items from the AR store once a month. PTO will help run this store.
b. Carnival (Erin) – Some teachers have requested a carnival next year. Maybe in February for Rodeo Days?
c. Elections - Congratulations to the following new executive board members:
Co-President: Kerri Elam
Treasurer: Sarah Minckler
Community Outreach: Talia Carey
Box Tops: Lindsay Doskocil
Fund Raising: Kim Young, Stella Jaymes

7. Volunteers needed
a. Staff Appreciation Brunch
b. Field Day
c. Book Fair

6. Treasurer’s Report – Currently have about $11,0000. $7,000 is earmarked for technology purchases

Monday, April 11, 2011

4/5/11 Minutes

1. Call to Order – 3:32 by Mindy

2. Introductions
3. “Tina’s Talk” –
We are looking at buying 25 Smart boards
We are looking at having Interstate do our yearbooks and school pictures instead of lifetouch.
4. Current Issues
a. Technology
1. Bee-Bots – PTO will purchase these @ a cost of $800
b. Box Top Update / Campbell’s Soup Labels
labels about this will be affixed to the Kinder Roundup packets. An e-mail will also go out.
The 2nd grade winner was Mrs. Hickman.
c. Shirts (Hollie)
these will be picked up this week. Cost was ~ $1000
d. Read-A-Thon
1. Rewards certificates – Brita is making these
2. Winners
a. letting parents know – Mindy is doing this
b. prizes / pig kissing @ each assembly
c. ice cream from bluebell – 4/6 @ 1:00 for all students
e. Student Council
1. Money from Read-A-Thon – council was given ½ the money.
2. Helping PTO with Muffins for Moms
3. 2nd Snack purchases – Council will be doing this for AIMS testing
4. Pizza party – Council is providing pizza for all grades
K – 5/6, 2nd- 5/10, 1st- 5/18
f. Volunteer of the month – Dawn Fackler
5. Upcoming Events
a. Muffins for Moms 4/22 – volunteers needed
b. PTO Board End of year potluck: 4/29 @ 6:00pm @ Mindy’s house
c. End of Year luau 5/13 5-7PM – volunteers needed
d. Spring Book Fair 5/12 and 5/13 all day during school – volunteers needed
6. Treasurer’s Report
 PTO currently has about $13,000
7. Meeting adjourned – 4:24 by Mindy

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 1st, 2011 Minutes

1. Called to order @ 3:36
2. Introductions: not needed

3. Tina’s Talk: She was not there available for this
4. Current Issues
1. We have still not heard back from Mr Boone. Mindy to email Scott to see where we are at in getting the computers put in the rooms and hooked up for the students to use them. We talked about buying smart boards versus Document cameras. Trying to see how many we need and how much they are going to cost and then who is going to get them if we can only purchase so many of them.
2. Computer software – The CD showed up for Mrs. Lyons and they will be delivered to her tomorrow.
3. T-Shirt Update – We talked about how many we wanted to purchase, size of shirts, quantity of sizes. Long sleeve versus short sleeve. Do we want to buy sweat shirts? Decided on all shorts sleeve and x-small and small to have to Kindergarten Round up. Talk to Tina about info new parents about cash for the shirts. Changed the price of the shirts to $10 or 2 for $18. Discussed new logo from Awards to Go, possible for following year. Lindsay to talk with Cheryl at ECC about getting T-shirt information out to parents for Round-up.
B. Box tops – Last submission done and turned in over 7300 box tops. We should receive a check for about $800. Thinking about adding labeled baggies for box tops to Kindergarten round-up packets for new moms so they can start collecting box tops over the summer. Need volunteers to help out with this.
5. Upcoming Events
A. Read-A-Thon
packs will be going home on Monday. We are going to work on signs so to hang up around the school. Brita to put together a letter that is going to explain the read-a-thon. Let the teachersknow about participate prize for top class in each grade. The prize will be a visa GC. Brita to put together 3 announcements that will be read to the school during morning announcements. We would like to have 1 on Monday morning and one for Friday morning of next week and then one for Monday after Spring break. The last announcement is to the let the teachers and students know that Tues is the last day to bring in papers with minutes on it for counting. We need to talk with John about having him come out for pictures during the assembly after the read-a-thon to see Mrs. Anderson kiss a pig and have the kids receive their prizes. This is to be done on the 25th on March.
B. Lighted School House
We discussed the activity that we would like to do at our booth. We decided on a book walk (like musically chairs) the prize will be a book. There are 40 books to give out. People signed up to volunteer and then signed up for supplies for the book walk.
C. Campbell’s soup labels –
Robyn to get the information together for an email to go out after the read-a-thon. Talked about getting information out in an email to get to sign up Fry’s cards to get points for the school.
5. Volunteers needed
A. Painting posters – people took home poster board to do them at home and then bring them back in before Mon
B. Lighted School House –
C. Count Read –A-Thon Minutes/money on 3/24
D. Kinder Round up packets 3/31
6. Treasure Report –
Money spent to buy software for library
Discussed money for shirts
Paid water bill for school
Total is $11,000
Talked about a luncheon meeting on Thursday that Mindy and Sarah are going to attend to discuss next years fundraisers. What do we want to sell at next years fundraisers? Keep it the same or add more. What do we want the school prize to be? BMX mike show or a magic show. Majority wanted to have BMX bike show.
We also need to have John send an email to Tina about volunteers for Muffins for Moms in April. The email is to go out after spring break. Please have John put in the email the dates needed for the volunteers and who to contact if they are able to help out.
Adjourned at 4:40pm.

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 2nd, 2011 Meeting

1. Call to Order: 3:38 by Sarah

2. Introductions
3. Current Issues
a. Technology
1. AR (Osborne)
A. All but two 2nd grade classes have computers for this
B. Teachers would like one more per class
C. Robyn will look into getting computers donated from Raytheon
D. Sarah and Mindy will talk to IT about Wi-Fi / Supporting more computers
E. We will have answers for the next executive meeting
F. AR books in the library need labeling – please help with this if you can
2. Bee-Bots
A. Miss Fitch would like 5 more
B. She also would like a program for the Special Needs students
C. Executive board will vote via e-mail about funding the program 0nce we have an exact quote.
b. Box Top Update (Robyn)
1. We received a $1300 check for last semester!
2. Classroom winners are:
K- Spooner, 1st- Boyter, 2nd- Judd
3. We will also start doing Campbell’s Soup labels
c. Volunteer of the Month: Andrea Smith
4. Upcoming Events
a. Read-A-Thon
1. 3/7: kick-off
2. 3/22: collection of packets
3. Prizes
A. Look at something more educational
B. Prizes for top two in each grade
C. Teacher prized for most class participation

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 2011 PTO Meeting

1. Call to Order: 3:35

2. Introductions
3. “Tina’s Talk” - Tina was ill, so not in attendance
4. Current Issues - none
5. Upcoming Events
a. 5k Fundraiser
1. 5K and and 1 mile fun run on April 9th or 16th
2. Cost is $1000 up front or $300 + 40% of earning
3. Questions to be asked:
Do we make up our own fee and our own route?
Who do we get permission from to run the route?
What route do we want to do?
What services are provided for the fee?
What about T-shirts? Benefits vs. cost?
Can we / should we have a bounce house for the kids?
What about sponsers?
4. Find out the answers to these questions by 1/21
6. Volunteers Needed
This will be an open forum to have printed sigh ups for up-coming events time slots and contact information
7. Treasurer’s Report
a. bought more gift cards, coffee, and sweatshirts
b. current balance is $9624
8. Election for Celebration Co-chair
a. Lyndsey Doskocil was nominated by Sarah
b. Mindy seconded
c. Lyndsey was nominated Celebration Co-chair
Meeting adjourned at 4:27