1. Call to Order: 6:35
2. Introductions
3. Current Issues
a. Work Days:
Wednesdays from 8:00-12:00
b. Playground Equipment: Money raised this
year will go to purchasing
c. Pop Tabs:
Collecting for Ronald McDonald
If we collect the most,
we get an assembly
with Ronald McDonald
d. Fundraiser: Brought in $21,605. About
$9,000 in profit.
Winning class –
Lorenzano. 24 classes met
the goal.
4. Upcoming Events
a. November 8th: Spaghetti Dinner/Family
Cafeteria staff will
handle everything.
Price TBA
b. Out of Dress Code Days: Same days as
SIS. $1 or 10 Box Tops
5. Volunteers Needed: Fundraiser item pick-up November 8th.
6. Treasurer's Report/Budget: About $28,000 in our account. About $18,000 is actually ours.
7. Guest Speakers (Specials)
8. Meeting Adjourned: 7;15