Friday, January 13, 2012

Meeting Minutes From1 /11/12

1.        Call to Order: 6:35

2.        Tina’s Talk:   Fitness Lighted School House 1/12/12
Owl Assemblies Next Friday
New School Boundaries up on SUSD Web Site

3.        Current Issues

            a.  Staff Appreciation Brunch Thank Yous

                  b.  Hunt Memorial Tree (Talia)
                      Tree, Bench Plaque are being donated.  Waiting on district approval.

                  c.  Work Day Review
                     Wednesdays from 8:00-12:00

3.  Upcoming Events

a.        Carnival Update (Lindsay)
April 14th. Runs will be at 8:00 and 9:00.  Carnival will be from 10:00-4:00
Website will be up soon.
If anyone has ideas for the carnival, contact Lindsay

b.        February AR Store (Osborn)
Will be ont the 15th due to a field trip.

c.        Progress Monitoring Evaluations (Spooner)
Looking for parents to be trained to administer reading progress evaluations to students.
Training is about 9 hours (broken up). 

4.        Volunteers Needed: 

a.       Harkins Ticket Sales (Robyn)
Beginning of March a form will be sent home to order Summer movie tickets.
Volunteers needed for collecting, counting, and distributing tickets (dates TBA)

b.       Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast (Lindsay)
$6.00 per ticket.  SPS gets 50%.  (date TBA)

5.  Treasurer's Report/Budget:  Approximately $9,000 in PTO account.