1. Call to Order: 6:43
2. Introductions
3. Mr. Heinzelmann: Boundary Meetings are 11/1 at 9:00AM and
4. Current Issues
Shirt Trainee (Hollie): Jennifer Baca
Dawn Marie are interested in
training this year to take over next year
b. Carnival Update
(4/14): still working on
getting sponsors
5. Upcoming Events
a. Donuts For Dads
(10/28): 7:00-7:30
volunteers needed
B. BMX Show (11/2) 7:45 volunteers needed at
c. Staff
Appreciation brunch (12/9)
d. Next Meeting: 1/11 6:30PM possible panel
with Specials' Teachers
6. Volunteers Needed: Sign ups passed around
7. Parent Advisory Committee
(Jon): Committee gives the
superintendent feedback from parents.
Any questions or concerns, e-mail joncarlyon@cox.net
8. Treasurer's Report/Budget
a. Gross sales from
fundraiser just under
b. In the black
$1,800 from apparel sales
9. Homework Help Forum: Homework panel with Mrs. Strayer, Mrs.
Tingle, Mrs. Spooner, Ms. Dalon, Ms. Osborn