Call to Order: 6:10 by Becky
In attendance: Officers – Anne, Becky, Chrissy, Liberty, Renee, Mindy, Jamie, Jamie Lea, Erica
Administrator – Tina Steward
Parents – Robyn Carlsen, Amanda Asaf, Katie Roley,
Kerri Elam, Jon Carlyon, Hollie Sheriff
2. IntroductionsOpening Quote (Anne)
“Tina’s Talk”: 2nd grade Concert was great!
Thank you to the 2009/2010 officersWhat is PTO (Becky)
It is not a PTA so there are no dues
We are here to help the teachers
What is entailed in each position?President – liaison, two year position, delegate
Treasurer – deposit funds, deal with checks
Fundraising – coordinate fundraisers, write grants
Secretary – take, type up and organize minutes, newsletter, blog
Volunteer Coordinator – get volunteers organized for events
Celebrations – staff appreciation brunches, gifts for teacher birthdays
Community Connection – contact newspaper to get SPS events in the paper
Elections for 2010/2011 Board MembersCo-Presidents – Anne Workman and Renee Rupp nominated
And elected
Secretary – Jamie Lea Anglen nominated and elected
Treasurer – Kerri Elam nominated and elected
Fund Raising – Sarah Bell nominated and elected
Volunteer Coordinators – Jamie Farmer, Katie Roley, and Amy Legate nominated and elected
Celebration Coordinator – Mindy Burns and Robyn Carlson nominated and elected
Community Connection – Jon Carlyon nominated and elected
Spirit Wear (new position) – Hollie Sheriff nominated and elected
UpdatesTreasurer’s Report (Erica)
1. Current balance $8,624
2. Last Box Tops check: $784
Box Top Report (Chrissy)
1. About $1700 for the year
2. Robyn will take over Box Top duties
Blog (Jamie Lea)
2. minutes, volunteer opportunities, events
Upcoming Eventsa. End of year Dance 5/14 1. 4:30-7:300
2. 12:00 tear down book fair, set up for dance
3. Meet back at gym at 4:00
10. Meeting adjourned at 7:04 by Becky