Opening Quote (Becky): Volunteers Poem from Ann Landers
“Tina’s Talk” 1. Stanford 10 testing is next week 2. Next year we are keeping full day Kindergarten 3. We may see slightly higher class sizes next year 4. 5/18 election on prop 100
Updates Treasurer’s Report (Jamie Lea) 1. The Read-A-Thon raised $3921.47 2. Becky motioned that Mrs. Lyons order the AR books she needs and PTO will pay using the Read-A-Thon money. – The motion passed
Upcoming Events a. Kindergarten Round Up 1. PTO will not be there 2. Liberty will make an invitation to the May PTO meeting and elections to go into the parent packets b. Muffins for Moms 4/23 1. Dads are needed to volunteer c. Staff Appreciation Week 5/3 – 5/7 1. Anne and Becky bought all the treats. They are in the PTO room for us to work on 2. 5/3: Liberty/Chrissy 5/4: Jamie/Jamie 5/5: Jemet/Renee 5/6: Sarah/Mindy d. Staff Appreciation Brunch 5/8 1. Sign up sheet was sent around for volunteers 2. Put invitations by the mailboxes 3. Buy centerpieces and raffle them e. PTO elections for 2010/2011 5/13 1. Renee is running for co-president 2. Other open positions – treasurer, celebrations f. Book Fair 5/13-5/14 1. Sign up sheet was sent around for volunteers g. End of year Dance 5/14 1. Luau theme 2. Free popcorn 3. Teachers selling pizza and water at cost 4. Send e-mail and paper invites (perhaps have kids make the invites in class) 5. Ask Kindergarten teachers if we can borrow decorations 6. Buy decorations and give them away at the end of the night 7. Have a craft area to make hula skirts, if teachers will man it 8. Budget not to exceed $300.00 h. PTO vs staff softball or kickball game?
Volunteer of the month: Angela Watts Put volunteer’s name on the designated parking spot
Robyn will take over Box Tops. Chrissy will train her
Welcome to the SPS PTO blog. Here you will find the minutes from past PTO meetings, announcements of upcoming meetings and events, and announcements of specific volunteer opportunities. Feel free to leave any questions or comments.